Protect region, country through united strength

NAY PYI TAW December 14

As troops are formed with nationalities, they should establish unity with the local people, and with the united strength all the battalions and units will be invulnerable. A region will become untouchable if the relevant security forces, departmental personnel, and local people stay united. Hence, strength must be built through unity, said Chairman of State Administration Council Commanderin-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at his meeting with officers, other ranks and families of Putao Station in Northern Command this morning.

Also present at the meeting together with the Senior General were his wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Moe Aung and wife, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Tun Aung and wife, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and their wives, Northern Command CommanderMaj-Gen Ko Ko Maung and officials.

United strength must be built

In his speech, the Senior General said year-round transport facilitation is being ensured in Putao region as it has constraints in transportation. Security forces and departmental personnel assigned in Putao area and local people should live in unity to ensure peace, stability and rule of law in it. As it is a local unit, native people are included in it.

Because of their motherly love, women already have the willingness to protect their families. With their willingness to protect their children and the unit, women gallantly strike back the armed groups that launch surprise attack on their battalion or units. A family will have the strength of unity by combining motherly spirit and fatherly spirit. This kind of spirit must be  established in Putao region. They must stay in unity to build collective strength.

Because of the cold weather, crops that are suitable with the climate and that provide food must be prioritized. As the area is favourable for breeding activities, members assigned at the command headquarters must successfully set up manageable –scale farms. The success of manageable–scale farms will provide food as way.

Personnel must always be disciplined, militarily conscientious and aware

The military has issued instructions on general staff, adjutant and quartermaster affairs. Orders and instructions are issued for abidance of disciplines. It is necessary to follow military disciplines. Personnel have been allowed to spend their own private time properly and independently. Uniforms must be worn systematically while muftis must be put on tidily and neatly. Abidance of military disciplines and obedience of orders is a good practice for the life of individual personnel. Carrying out daily activities in accordance with disciplines and codes of conduct correctly can nurture well-trained and competent personnel.

Individual personnel are required to always practice the use of their own weapons and equipment skillfully. Only then, will personnel be able to use weapons properly and effectively at the battlefield. In carrying out duties, personnel are required to be conscientious. As surprise attacks are launched at the battlefield depending on time, weather and topography, personnel are required to carry out duties conscientiously in going to and fro, enjoying food and staying in a position.

Emphasis must be placed on education

Required qualifications for promotion of individual personnel within designated periods of time have been adopted. As performance of responsibilities dutifully and abidance of disciplines contribute a lot to promotion of ranks of personnel, efforts must be made for progress of life and duties must be carried out in accordance with personnel’s ranks. It is important to read books to acquire knowledge and wisdom. Libraries have been opened in battalions and units to enable personnel to read books. As reading can contribute a lot to the progress of life, officers, other ranks and families are always required to read books. As the Tatmadaw has been encouraging the educational development of offspring of personnel, individual personnel are required to do the same.

Moreover, as Putao is remote and the weather is very cold, personnel are required to take care of one’s health. Personnel are urged to take physical exercises, which are good for health, and to avoid foodstuffs and fun activities that are not beneficial for life out of rationality. Then, the Senior General inquired about the needs for officers, other ranks and families.

Foodstuffs and cash rewards are presented

Then, the Senior General presented foodstuffs for officers, other ranks and families to the commander of the station command while the wife of the Senior General presented cash rewards for the station maternal and child welfare association to the wife of the station commander. Afterwards, the Senior General and party cordially greeted the officers, other ranks and families who attended the meeting.

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