Senior General Min Aung Hlaing cordially meets town elders and departmental personnel of Homalin and Wuntho, presents Covid-19 prevention, control and treatment aids

Nay Pyi Taw October 25

The Tatmadaw and the people must be indivisible in serving the nation’s cause and must join hands in striving for regional and national development. Intellectuals and intelligentsia are required in building a nation, said Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing in his separate meetings with town elders and departmental personnel of Homalin and Wuntho, Sagaing Region, today at the respective station halls where Covid-19 prevention, control and treatment supplies were also presented. Also present were Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the Senior General, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Maung Maung Kyaw and wife, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) and their wives, Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Myo Moe Aung and wife, town elders and local people of Homalin and Wuntho, departmental personnel and Tatmadaw members of local units. On their arrival at the station halls in Homalin and Wuntho, the Senior General and party were welcomed by Tatmadaw members of local units, town elders and officials.

In his discussions in connection with the provision of Covid-19 prevention, control and treatment aids and the regional development undertakings, the Senior General expressed pleasure in meeting with the local people of Homalin and Wuntho again. He said during his assignment in Homalin in 1996 under the administration of the Tatmadaw government, security and development undertakings were conducted with the cooperation of the town elders and people. The Senior General recounted his participation in building roads till reaching Phaungpyin and Hkamti areas and expressed pleasure in witnessing the improvement of the transportation links during the present visit when compared with the past. He said Homalin airport project began when he was assigned duties at the place, and the transport is now faster and better in the region. Homalin region is a favourable place where sincere people live. As regards the current democracy path of the country, the Senior General said:
“According to the nature of democracy, all cannot share the same view at the time when the country is heading towards the multi-party democracy, but they can share the same spirit to work for the country. So, we all should make efforts to stably and steadily serve this particular cause of the country.”

In the education sector, Homalin region is still low in matriculation pass rate, so the requirements of the education sector must be reviewed. Chindwin River serves as the north-south waterway for Homalin which has no language barrier. So, it must reexamine the root cause of low pass rate and strive to increase the number of educated persons.

The Senior General continued to say that a country needs the educated youths with high intelligence for development. A large number of students who attended one more steps of grades passed the examinations but number of students lost in the matriculation examination. They all passed the same age, environ, idea and learning subjects at the primary, middle, high and matriculation levels. Study time is longer than learning education at the universities to enhance skills and intelligence. So, it is necessary to encourage learning of university education.

Only when, youths become the educated ones, will they undertake more tasks for development of regions. As such, it is necessary to establishment colleges, degree colleges and diploma training schools on livestock and agriculture. As the youths can attend these universities and colleges only if they pass the matriculation examination, the Senior General urged all to encourage education for the future and cooperate in student, parent, teacher and administrative body as educational triangular.

There were more than 43,000 positive patients of COVID-19 and over one thousand dead persons in Myanmar till this morning but two positive patients have been found in Homalin. A total of 229 regions of the world are infected by virus. The Senior General noted that Homalin should not be careless for lesser number of positive patients and all the people need to abide by guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports. Peoples from the global countries are also living under the disciplines. Although number of infected patients reached just hundreds per day in Myanmar in the past, current amount increases to thousands per day. Infection of the disease carries plights to the environs and families, so it is necessary to emphasize improvement of immune, healthiness and physical exercises for avoiding infection of disease.

The Senior General said that various global countries face declining of social economic status due to outbreak of the disease with decrease of production and demand. As only products of foodstuffs and personal goods do not decline there, the Senior General urged all to systematical manufacture foodstuffs and personal goods so as to improve economy. The Senior General highlighted the basic needs for development of the State.

“Lack of electricity can do nothing for development of a country. No matter how goals were set to build an industrial country by applying technologies, lack of electricity cannot shape anything. It is sure. For the second point, lack of proper transport facility can do nothing. You may see your Homalin. You went to Homalin along Chindwin River in the past. I took about four or five days in transferring to Homalin. Now, waterway transport is in good condition thanks to speedboats. The airport also contributes to improvement of transport. Lack of proper transport facility can do nothing. Likewise, bad telecommunications system cannot do anything. So, I strived to facilitate telephone there and open the bank. Furthermore, no educated one cannot carry out anything. The country which does not have educated persons will never develop. Similarly, the country without good health facilities will not be good. If the country is weak in health and education sectors, it cannot enjoy fruits of development. So, we need five essential points—electricity, transport, telecommunications, education and health sectors for development of the region. So, I have already noted education matter. It is necessary to be good education. Secondly, I emphasized health matter. In preamble, I highlighted improvement of roads. These are basic needs for development of a region as well as a country.”

The Tatmadaw has instructed to give timely assistance in times of any natural disaster without waiting for order. It is better if the Tatmadaw and people work together as one for whatever they can do. When it comes to serving regional interest, service personnel as well as local people must cooperate with each other. Talking about efforts to make sure the Tatmadaw is reliable for the country, the Senior General said:

“The Tatmadaw must be only for the country. I have been working with the concept that Tatmadaw must be dependable and reliable for the country and the people. You know me well. My attitude is towards doing good. I don’t like bullying. I live in discipline. I never do things if they are not in accord with the discipline. If an order is to be issued, I consider if it is in line with the policy. In our multi-party democracy, for example, the Tatmadaw has its own duties. I consider if such an order suits them. Can I do it myself? Did I use to do it? If so, I issue the order. If not, I don’t. I take things that seriously. Before I issued an order, I would consult with my generals. I would summon some. I told them I would issue this order and ask for their opinions. They have their own experiences. We will have different experiences. They would share their experiences. We must accept if they deserve. Some would explain until others understand. We have ‘so what?’ We would have a solution. Then, ‘so what’ might have come again. Sometimes, we came to a solution after three or four times ‘so what’. We always think so. So when it comes to doing something beneficial, I want you to do it carefully and considerably.”

The Senior General then stressed the need to vote for those who are capable of serving the interest of their region and country in the multi-party democracy election. It is necessary to look at party policy as well as candidates. Election is the lifeline of multi-party democracy. Under the electoral system of Myanmar, Hluttaw representatives have to carry out at least three tasks. They have to elect President. They have to perform legislative duties. They have to shoulder regional development tasks in coordination with respective administrative bodies. It is therefore necessary to choose the representatives having legal knowledge, being upright and morally good, being educated and capable of serving the interest of their region and country. Everyone needs to cast their votes. Unless they go the polls, they must accept those chosen by others. So, they should vote for the representatives they like. The country has parties formed based on political policies and parties formed on a racial basis. As they are various parties and representatives, those capable of serving the regional and national interests should be chosen.

Afterwards, Administrator U Htin Kyaw of Homalin Township, Administrator U Thein Zaw of Kawlin District and Administrator U Nay Myo Tun of Wuntho Township reported to the Senior General on regional problems including floods, shortages of drinking water, education and administrative affairs and the cooperation between the Tatmadaw and the people for regional development and the Senior General attended to the needs.

Then, the Senior General presented COVID-19 prevention equipment including 40,000 surgical masks, 280 face shields, 100 sets of personal protective equipment-PPE, 300 bottles of hand gel, 500 N95 masks, 2,000 pairs of examination gloves, foodstuffs and household goods produced by factories of the Tatmadaw for town elders, local residents and the people’s hospital to Homalin Township Administrator U Htin Kyaw, Medical Superintendent Dr Win Naing Tun of Homalin Township People’s Hospital and town elder U San Shwe and 15,000 surgical masks, 130 face shield, 50 sets of personal protective equipment-PPE, 30 bottles of hand gel, 100 N95 masks, 1,500 pairs of examination gloves, foodstuffs and household goods produced by factories of the Tatmadaw for town elders, local residents and departmental personnel in Wuntho to Kawlin District Administrator U Thein Zaw and Wuntho Township Administrator U Nay Myo Tun.

Afterwards, the Senior General and party cordially greeted the town elders and departmental personnel who attended the ceremony.

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