Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets chairmen of region and state administration councils, chairmen of self-administered division and zone administration bodies, discusses development of region and state

Nay Pyi Taw April 6

Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met chairmen of region and state administration councils, chairmen of self-administered division and zone administration bodies and discussed the progress of region and state at the meeting hall of the office of the council in Nay Pyi Taw this afternoon.

Also present at the meeting were Vice Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Commander-in- Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice- Senior General Soe Win, council member Lt- Gen Soe Htut, council secretary Lt-Gen Aung Lin Dway, joint secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, Chairman of Nay Pyi Taw Administration Council Dr Maung Maung Naing, Chairman of Kachin State Administration Council U Khet Htein Nan, Chairman of Kayah State Administration Council U Khin Maung Oo, Chairman of Kayin State Administration Council U Saw Myint Oo, Chairman of Chin State Administration Council U Ngun Hsan Aung, Chairman of Sagaing Region Administration Council U Maung Maung Lin, Chairman of Taninthayi Region Administration Council U Tin Aung, Chairman of Bago Region Administration Council U Myo Swe Win, Chairman of Magway Region Administration Council U Tint Lwin, Chairman of Mandalay Region Administration Council U Maung Ko, Chairman of Mon State Administration Council U Zaw Lin Tun, Chairman of Rakhine State Administration Council Dr Aung Kyaw Min, Chairman of Yangon Region Administration Council U Hla Soe, Chairman of Shan State Administration Council Dr Kyaw Tun, Chairman of Ayeyawady Region Administration Council U Ye Myint, Chairman of Naga Self-Administered Zone Administration Body U Tun Tun Win, Chairman of Danu Self-Administered Zone Administration Body U Arkar Lin, Chairman of Pa-O Self-Administered Zone Administration Body U Khun Ye Htwe, Chairman of Palaung Self- Administered Zone Administration Body Tar Thein Zaw, Chairman of Kokang Self-Administered Zone Administration Body U Myint Swe, Chairman of Wa Self-Administered Division Administration Body U Nyi Nup and officials.

In his speech, the Senior General stressed the need to vaccinate COVID-19 vaccine arriving at regions, states and self-administered zones to people as quickly as possible.

Medical officers and nurses from local military units need to inject COVID-19 vaccine to the people in the area where health staff are required due to CDM activity. Dead rate of COVID-19 does not decline across the world. Despite declining of infection and dead rate, Myanmar should do necessary things not to be careless for prevention of the pandemic. As those injected with COVID-19 vaccine can be infected, all need to abide by COVID-19  guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports. A plan is underway to inject 500,000 units of vaccine to the people before the New Year period.

Only when the people have good business, will they live peacefully.

As factories and industries need to be operated for people to earn income, fulfillment must be given in regions and states. It is necessary to avoid loss of businesses at a time outbreak of COVID-19 brought loss to businesses. Arrangements must be made for the people to have jobs so as to earn increased income. Only when the people’s economy booms, will the country be peaceful and tranquil.

With regard to learning, the data collected in the country in 2019 showed 3.7 million of people had not attended the schools. The majority of those people is from states. The Senior General urged them to turn out educated people in their regions, states and selfadministered zones. Learning is a social matter, and it is necessary to arrange reading tables for literacy of the people. Last five year, members of the Sangha faced dissatisfaction for the religious affairs. As such, all need to perform fulfillment for members of the Sangha to have satisfaction so as to serve the religious affairs. Number of people with faith in Buddhism is 87 percent in Myanmar. As such, Myanmar is a Theravada Buddhist country. It is necessary to provide assistance to those with faith in other religions to do their respective religious affairs satisfactorily. At present, the majority of youth in Myanmar are lack of culture, abandoning parents and rudely assaulting members of the Sangha and teachers. So, it is necessary to straighten morale and culture of the youths. The Young Men’s Buddhist Association (YMBA) conducts cultural courses and vocational courses for the youths.

Officials need to improve cultural knowledge of the people in accord with the religion.

Only when the State economy develops, will the country have firm currency. Trade deficit causes currency value of Myanmar. Efforts must be made for increasing production to be exported. Regions and States produce suitable products for development of trade. It is necessary to boom the economy by exporting agricultural and livestock breeding products, rather than extraction of natural resources. Likewise, cooperative tasks must be done.

Other countries are carrying out cooperative businesses successfully.

Myanmar needs to utilize good soil, water and human resources.

Jobs must be created for people from basic strata so as to develop the economy. The government will adopt the policies and officials from regions and states need to continue implementation of projects.

Then, those attendees reported on occurrence of riots and decline of riots in their areas, health care services of medical officers and nurses from local military hospitals for solving difficulties of the people who face CDM activities of some health staff, opening of closed hospitals, health, administration and religious measures for the people, reopening of banks, prevention of COVID-19, improvement of economy, border trade, good transport, issuance of ID to people, running of factories except some factories, assistance for displaced persons and arrangements for their return to home. The Senior General attended to the needs.

Then, the Senior General said as now is period of COVID-19,Thingyan pavilions will not be allowed. But, all will be allowed to enjoy water throwing festival in accord with the disciplines. Regions and states must hold outdoor sport competitions to enhance health,fitness and morale. With regard to economy, regions and states need to produce quality value-added products in line with the motto of one village, one product. If so, tourism industry and exportation will develop. Economic development zones and industrial zones must be established in respective regions and these zones must be supervised for effective process.

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