Honorary dinner, entertainments mark 75th Anniversary (Diamond Jubilee)  Independence Day

NAY PYI TAW January 4

A honorary dinner in comme-moration of the 75th Anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) Independence Day hosted by Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing and wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla was held in conjunction with the entertainment on the lawn in front of the State Administration Council Chairman Office in Nay Pyi Taw this evening.

The guests to attend the dinner were greeted by SAC Vice Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Thiri Pyanchi Maha Thray Sithu Soe Win and wife Daw Than Than Nwe, Union ministers and their wives.

On arrival at the venue for dinner, Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing and wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla together with the Vice-Senior General and wife, cordially greeted chairmen and representatives of political parties, ambassadors and charges d’affaires of foreign embassies, honorary consuls and invited guests.

The Senior General and wife took designated positions at the dinner together with the attendees.

At the awarding to decorated floats in commemoration of the 75th Anniversary (Diamond Jub-ilee) Independence Day, SAC member Admiral Tin Aung San and Union Minister U Maung Maung Ohn presented honorary prizes and card awards for two honorary prize winning Union decorated floats, five decorated floats from Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air), regions and states and union ministries through officials.

SAC member General Mya Tun Oo presented honorary prizes and cash awards to officials for third prizewinning floats of Mandalay Region and Ministry of Construction respectively.

The Vice-Senior General presented honorary prizes and cash awards for second prizewinning Bago Region to Chief Minister U Myo Swe Win and for Ministry of Transport and Communications to Union Minister Admiral Tin Aung San respectively.

Then, the Senior General presented a cash bonus to parachutist male and femal officers and other ranks Chief Minister U Tin Maung Win for Ayeyawady Region for winning the first prize in region and state honorary vehicle category, Union Minister U  Khin Maung Yi for winning the first prize in union ministerial  category.

Next, the Senior General and wife had dinner together with the dignitaries who attended the dinner in honour of the Diamond Jubilee Independence Day. The  artists of MRTV, Ministry of Information, presented performances of songs and music before and during the dinner.

Afterwards, the Senior Gene-ral and wife, together with the dignitaries, enjoyed the banner of Diamond Jubilee Independence Day, badges of YMBA, the Burma Association, BIA, BDA, illustration of the independence day flag-raising ceremony, the Independence Day Monument, military vehicles and machinery of the Tatmadaw, submarines and aircraft, the Chairman of SAC and Prime Minister and the Myanmar Map with the use of drones and fireworks.

After the dinner, the Senior General and wife arrived at the venue for the Diamond Jubilee Independence Day commemoration concert and enjoyed the songs and dances performed by vocalists and artists of MRTV and the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture and famous singers and artists.

After the commemoration concert, the Senior General and wife presented souvenirs to the singers and artistes and cordially greeted the attendees at the dinner.

The dinner in honour of the Diamond Jubilee Independence Day was attended by the Senior General and wife, the Vice-Senior General and wife, the Secretary and Joint Secretary of SAC and their wives, members of SAC and their wives,former Vice-President Dr. Sai Mauk Kham and wife, formerVice-President U Nyan Tun and wife, the families of the heads of State who discharged the State duties in successive eras, Unionlevel dignitaries, advisers to the Chairman of SAC, retired generals and lieutenant generals from the Tatmadaw, union ministers and their wives, members of Unionlevel organizations, the Chairman of Nay Pyi Taw Council, chief ministers of region and state governments, senior military officers of Office of the Commander-in-Chief commanders of military commands, deputy ministers, ambassadors and charge d’ affairs of foreign missions, honorary consuls, people who won titles and awards in honour of the Diamond Jubilee Independence Day, representatives of EAOs who have signed

in NCA and not yet signed in NCA, departmental heads, heads and representatives of political parties, ethnic people, artists, and representatives of NGOs and guests.

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