Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses officer instructors and officer trainees of NDC through video conferencing


As an important institution of the State, National Defence College has been enabling its trainees to carrying out state affairs from the four outlooks political, economic, administrative and defence perspectives, while having the right conviction, precise-decision making ability, correct visions and knowledge about the country’s objective conditions in giving lectures said Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing in addressing the officer instructors and officer trainees of NDC through video conferencing this morning.

Present together with the Senior General were senior military officers from the Office of theCommander-in-Chief (Army), the commandant of NDC and officer instructors and trainees.

The Senior General said NDC is giving lectures with the goal of providing trainees with assistance and knowledge for higher level duties. Senior officers have to successfully accomplish the given orders and missions and in some cases they have to play the leadership role in successfully realizing the goals of the missions. But the nation will face weaknesses if the political, economic, administrative and defence outlooks cannot be taken into account. In addition to senior military officers, senior officers from the ministries are also included in the trainees.

Trainees should have the correct knowledge of the four outlooks as they are shouldering not only the defence duties but also the administrative task. NDC is giving lecturing not for serving political duties, but to know and carry out the national duties correctly.

and current political situation,he said of the four outlooks political outlook calls for correct historical knowledge. History shows that the country had firm sovereign power and land and water territories. Pyu city states that flourished during the post-Bagan period between 925 BC and 94 BC stand witness to the country’s high civilization.

Pyu history was studied together with historical evidence during the recent visit to Beikthano ancient cultural zone.

Because of their high civilization, Pyu culture and literature must be identified and conserved. The high civilization can be handed down by preserving the past civilization. Hence, Pyu language was included as a subject in the lectures at the Defencce Services Academy. Great kings — Anawrahta, Bayintnaung and Alaungphaya – built the nation with powerful and potent Tatmadaws as the foundation.

The following are successive governments of the country from the time independence was restored in 1948: AFPFL government from 1948 to 1958, Caretaker Government from 1958 to 1960, AFPFL (Clean) from 1960 to 1962, Revolutionary Council and Burma Socialist Programme Party from 1962 to 1988,Tatmadaw government from 1988 to 2010, democratic governments from 2010 to 2020, and SAC from 2021 till today. Constitution was drawn during the independence struggle in 1947 and it was passed by the National Constituent Assembly the same year. It was not ratified by the entire nation. The 1974 Constitution and the 2008 Constitution were ratified by the votes of the entire nation. The Senior General discussed in detail the rivalry between socialism and capitalism during the preindependence and early post-independence periods, ethnic armed conflicts appeared due to the divide-and-rule policy of the colonialists, Tatmadaw government’s endeavours to pave the way to multi-party democracy, the situations during the first and second democratic governments and political,economic, administrative and defence history of the country.

In connection with the political outlook, he said SAC has adopted the five-point roadmap and nine-point objectives. It prioritizes the task of scrutinizing voter lists, the first point of the roadmap. The extent of vote rigging found by Union Election Commission is even larger than the one identified by the Tatmadaw. Election is the lifeblood of democracy and the elected persons directly or indirectly elect the president and the persons who will serve the State’s administrative, judicial and legislative duties. So,they must be the MPs electedthrough an honest election and must truly represent the people.

Voter list is based on the census,and such a process has been applied in successive eras. The national census was enumerated across the nation in 2014. Hence, Myanmar was involved on the list of 10 countries for the most firm census in the world, according to the press release issued by the United Nations. The eligible voter list in the 2015 general election was based on the census, and its amount hit 34.29 million and more than 38.27 million of eligible voters in the 2020 general elections. In reviewing it, Myanmar’s population rate accounted for two percent in 1974-75 and less than one percent in 2010, according to the population statisticians and experts. One percent increased rate for 34.29 million of eligible voters collected in 2014 would be 340,000 persons per year. Five years increased people would amount to 1.7 million voters. So,the possibly largest number would be two million voters.

However, it was impossible that number of eligible voters in 2020 hit 38.27 million. According to the population pyramids, the gap between 14 years and 55 years of the population in the 2014 census was narrow. Hence, eligible voter number would not be possible for 38.27 million in 2020. It can be seen that the voter list was not based on the firm census, so the voter list was not correct. Voter lists were announced but these were different from the accounts. So, it was found that attempts were made for winning the election through malpractices. The Tatmadaw assumed the State responsibilities as a national duty for ensuring the firm multi-party democratic system, according to the voting frauds in the 2020 multi-party democracy election.

With regard to the economic outlook, as economy is a primary drive for a country, it isnecessary to manage economic development without fail. In the first term of the democratic government, the economy of the nation gained development but faced trade deficit. In the second term of the democratic government, the GDP of the nation declined with more than US$-12.61 billion of trade deficit.

In the first and second terms of the government, trade deficit reached some US$-25 billion.

They did not encourage the domestic production but importation.

So, the country faced larger amount of trade deficit.

The second-term democratic government suspended the important manufacturing industrieswhich were crucial in the construction of almost completed domestic infrastructures with the foreign loans. Hence, projects stopped and loans and interests were paid back without reasons. Moreover, as fuel, edible oil, construction materials and textile materials worth billions of US dollars are imported on a yearly basis, efforts must be made for manufacturing the products at home to meet the local demand.

The economic outlook is interrelated with the political outlook.

Only when the economy booms will the country be peaceful and prosperous. If the State economy is progress, people will have improved social living standard.

So, efforts must be made for enhancement of economic outlook and economic management capacity for the nation.

Regarding the education sector, arrangements must be made for raising the literacy rate as the learning rate of school education is low. Hence, it is necessary to increase the literacy rate. It can be seen that every developed country has higher education standard.

As encouragement is lesser for education in states, authorities need to encourage development of education. Despite language barriers, all the people need to have skill of Myanmar language as the State office language. In the democratic way selected by the people, the country requires the well-versed human resources.

State Administration Council is emphasizing two national processes as prosperity of the State and food sufficiency and two political processes as strengthening the genuine, disciplined multi-party democracyand building the Union based on democracy and federalism.

Hence, it is necessary to implement the Union country exercising the federalism for sharing equal power and rights to the ethic people residing in theUnion. They will have to enjoy the equal rights. The democratic administration manages the constriction of the Union based on democracy and federalism.

The defence sector must be implemented as a national defence system with all-inclusiveness of the citizens. Emphasis must be placed on emergence of good human resources. It is necessary to carry out reform process for based political, economic and

administration sectors based on the rural area where more than 70 percent of the people. The State will firmly implement the multi-party democracy selected by the people.

The Senior General said he took a time for explaining the histories and needs for construction of the nation to contribute to the duties that the senior officer trainees would serve after completion of the training.

If they do not know the historical backgrounds for widening the scopes of knowledge, they will not have the correct decisions for implementing the future missions and visions. As such, they all need to strive for consider the political, economic, administrative and defence outlooks as the mission of the National Defence College.

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