Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing takes part in special meeting on development of Naga Self Administered Zone

NAY PYI TAW January 16

A special meeting on development of Naga Self Administered Zone was held at the Malataung Sports Stadium in Lahe at the Zone this morning. Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing discussed matters relating to regional development.

Also present together with the Senior General were SAC Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, SAC members General Mya Tun Oo and Jeng Phang Naw Taung, Union ministers U Win Shein, U Hla Moe, U Thaung Han, Dr Nyunt Pe, Dr Thet Khaing Win, Sagaing Region Chief Minister U Myat Kyaw, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, Chairman of Management Committee of Naga-Self-Administered Zone U Tun Tun Win, zone and township officials of Lahe, Leshe and Nanyun townships, officials of Naga Traditional Literature and Culture Committee, MSME entrepreneurs of the Zone and local elders.

Regional facts, development undertakings and requirements The region chief minister reported on regional facts, annual financial assistance for Naga zone development, provision of solar panels for rural electrification, assistance and buildings provided for education, health and religion, provision of necessary assistance for farm mechanization, sector wise loans from national economic development funds for development of Naga area, support for MSME development, Chairman of Management Committee of Naga Self Administered Zone U Tun Tun Win on Naga races living in the Zone, Pankin project to issue NRCs, enumeration tours, development of farming, edible crop cultivation, electricity requirements, transport development.

Officials of the respective Naga Traditional Literature and Culture Committees of Lahe, Leshe and Nanyun townships reported on requirements for regional development, which included land shortages encountered in celebrating annual

Naga New Year festivals, and requirements for education, sports, communication and transport development.

Discussions to fulfill requirements As regards the reports, the Senior General said a sports stadium with stands and running tracks will be built in the Naga area. When completed locals should properly maintain the facility. As the festivals are no daily activities, instead of designating a specific land plot for them, movable stand system should be used. Plans to build half-open dams instead fully blocked dams will be considered to generate power and ensure constant water supply. A goal has been set to complete Chindwin river bridge (Htamanthi) and a tarred road before the 2025 Naga New Year.

Moreover, Leshe Lahe earth road at the foot of Sarramaeti mountain will be upgraded. As regards education development, a basic education high school where agriculture, breeding and mechanical engineering science is available will be set up in Naga region. Later, students of the school will have the opportunity to pursue the science at an institute.

Discussion of MSME operations and requirements Kari Fine dried meat entrepreneur Daw Alin Thay and Memory traditional clothing entrepreneur Daw Cherry Pan reported on efforts for sale of dried meat to local and foreign markets, electricity needs for business operations for further development, promotion of traditional businesses to maintain the culture and extension of businesses with capitals for MSME development.

Discussion of sector wise businesses The Union ministers explained the disbursement of State loans for the improvement of MSMEs, the need for correct operations and success, the need to contact the relevant regional departments as the relevant ministries will provide capital and technical help, feasibility study on natural resources to generate electricity in the Naga region, and measures for education promotion, healthcare services and ensuring enough health staff in the region.

Discussions and actions required for regional development The Senior General said he was very glad to be invited to the Naga New Year Festival 2023 and attend it. He said the government is making visits to various regions and states for nationwide development efforts.

In response to the requirements, necessary measures are being taken. Focus has already been on the development of the Naga region since before coming to the festival. As discussions of regional development with the local people are beneficial and effective, such a special meeting was arranged with the aim of hearing reports and fulfilling the needs for regional development.

There are a lot of factors for the development of a region.

Particularly, it is about food security and abundance. It is learnt that the Naga region has rice sufficiency. Therefore, efforts must be made to increase cultivation acreage and peracre yield. However, being a hilly area, the region has difficulty extending cultivation acreage.

Besides more efforts to boost rice production, the region can engage in yam cultivation.

Land preparations must be systematic to increase peracre yield. Attention should be paid to staircase style highland farming rather than hillside cultivation to ensure local self sufficiency.

Regarding livestock breeding, there should be modern methods rather than conventional ones, and businesses will thrive more benefiting the region.

In conducting agricultural and livestock businesses, it is important to acquire good strains, fertile soil and enough nutrients for animals.

Efforts must be made for local food sufficiency under the leadership of the leading body of the self administered zone. Similarly, it is necessary to boost the manufacturing of local products and to promote the manufacturing of products

for the long term. Tea cultivation must be carried out as a main local product. Efforts must be made to cultivate tea and coffee as major local products and cultivation of oranges and other fruits and vegetables must be expanded. Production of local products must be boosted. The government will continue to carry out tasks for development of transportation in the self administered zone.

Health and education Incomes can be earned only when there are production businesses and local residents and the region can enjoy economic development when local residents earn incomes. Health is essential to work for a living and to study education. Having visited the self administered zone in 2015 together with former President U Thein Sein and learnt that there was a shortage of health workers in the Naga Self administered Zone based on reports of officials, I have sent medical officers from the Tatmadaw to station hospitals and clinics in remote areas in Sagaing Region, Chin State and Naga Self administered Zone to perform duties. Health is important and other tasks can be carried out successfully only when one is healthy. To be healthy, healthcare services must be made available and it is necessary for individuals to adopt healthy lifestyles. There are educational disadvantages in the self administered zone but the situation has improved to some extent. All students in the zone must complete middle school education at least. The government will take measures to employ educational staff for the zone. To improve the knowledge and technical skills of local residents, it is necessary to promote education. To promote education, the government has given priority to educational development tasks and plans are underway to carry out educational development tasks in the zone, efforts must be exerted so that all offspring of local residents are educated.

As there were irregularities in the 2020 general election, the Tatmadaw repeatedly urged relevant government authorities to settle disputes but they failed to settle the disputes in accordance with the law. As a result, the Tatmadaw had to declare a state of emergency and assume the responsibilities of the state. During the performance of duties, supporters of the NLD staged violent demonstrations to undermine the stability of the state. The Tatmadaw has assumed the responsibilities of the State in accordance with the law and measures are being taken for stability and development of the country in accordance with the law.

Efforts will be made to supply adequate electricity for Naga Self administered Zone Plans are underway to increase the electricity generation in Lahe. Electricity will be generated in Leshe by using wind power and measures will be taken to generate electricity in Nanyun.

As the government has been carrying out regional development tasks, local residents are required to make concerted efforts. As the government needs revenues to carry out development tasks and revenues for the government will increase if local products can be manufactured, efforts must be exerted. As the government will offer assistance necessary for agriculture, livestock breeding and manufacturing businesses, relentless efforts must be exerted without fail for the development of all such businesses.

Then, the Senior General presented gifts for staff at the self administered zone level to zone administrator U Nay Min Thu and for staff at the township level to chairman U Zarni Win of the township administration.

Afterward, the Senior General and party cordially greeted the attendees.

Then, the Senior General inspected the feasibility of upgrading the sports ground in Lahe into a stadium complete with a stand and running tracks and gave necessary instructions on requirements reported by officials.

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