Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met members of Magway Region government, district level departmental officials, discussed regional development Collective efforts must be exerted with Ayeyawady River as base for farming and socio-economic success in entire Magway Region

Nay Pyi Taw May 24

Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met members of Magway Region government, district level departmental officials, at the town hall in Magway this afternoon, and discussed regional development.

Present were SAC Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, SAC member Lt-Gen Nyo Saw, union ministers Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, U Tin Oo Lwin, U Min Naung, U Khin Maung Yi, Dr Charlie Than, Magway Region Chief Minister U Tint Lwin, and senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in Chief.

Regional points presented

 The chief minister reported on points of the region, farming activities and production, school education and educational facts, public healthcare undertakings, healthcare and welfare services for retired civil servants in the region, regional development undertakings and future programs.

Magway Region level officials reported on efforts to develop mixed cropping, enhance cotton farming, target realization and agricultural activities, dissemination of agro-knowledge and field tours to collect precise data on township-wise land use, crop cultivation and yield, tree plantation for environmental greening and future plans, and regional level and departmentwise requirements.

Union ministers’ response

 In giving ministry-wise clarifications, Union ministers U Min Naung and U Khin Maung Yi said department-wise requirements will be fulfilled in accord with the procedures. They then explained efforts to develop farming and production, nationwide environmental greening activities and establishment of special zones and special tree plantation plans.

As regards environmental greening, the Senior General gave guidance, saying that Magway Region is located in the dry zone and faced temperatures that were significantly high this year. Some townships of the region were included in the list of world’s hottest towns. Tree growing is the answer to reducing temperatures and preserving weather. Every village must grow at least two acres of trees. Trees must be planted in the home compounds, roadsides and land. Tree plantation must be set up town-wise and villagewise. Involvement of other ministries and local people in the relevant ministry’s efforts will ensure more success in greening the environment and reducing temperatures. Heat resistant buildings must be built for elderly persons and people who are weak and feeble to escape intense heat. For example people can gain merits and get places to rest peacefully by building pagodas with cave-like structures. Another point to be pondered is the installation of solar-powered air conditioners.

Farming and regional development

In his discussions for regional development, the Senior General said the meeting was held to discuss development of education, health, economy and regional development and to explain the government’s actions and policies. A country has to operate its political, economic and defence driving forces for its progress and of them economic driving force plays the pivotal role, as the other ones development depends on its functionality.

Magway Region has a lot of resources for the success of agriculture. Its main crops are cotton, groundnut and sesame. Of the two, multiple cropping and mixed cropping, the former can develop agriculture more. Multiple cropping must be developed in rice fields and proper technology must be applied for increasing yield. Seed, land, water and technology are the basic needs of agriculture. Farmers need to use quality seeds, improve the soil fertility, organic fertilizers, adequate amount of water and correct methods. Ayeyawady River must be effectively harnessed to supply water for crops. Solarpowered river water pumping stations must be installed area wise. In this way, areas along the river of the region can achieve success in agricultural undertakings. Goals and targets must be reached in increasing crop yield. If the targeted oil crop yield is hit, the region will be able to increase its earnings significantly from cooking oil crops. Cotton cultivation also needs support and efforts should be made to develop cotton based industries and textile businesses. Careful calculations are needed as crop patterning can help develop crop-based industries.

Efforts must be made to carry out livestock breeding tasks successfully in Magway Region. Goat breeding, which is thriving in the region, can be carried out and it was learnt that Hteinsan goat, which is bred in Magway Region, can produce a lot of meat. Breeding layers, broilers, pigs and cattle must be carried out successfully. If development of industries based on agriculture and livestock breeding can implemented, it will be able to contribute to regional and national development. In carrying out agriculture and livestock breeding tasks successfully, educated human resources are needed. Therefore, it is necessary to promote education.

High quality of education and proliferation of knowledge

It was found that the changing of grades and acquisition of formal education are weak in Magway Region. It was also found that some have dropped out of school due to various reasons during changing grades.

Education must be promoted for the better future of the region and education standards will be higher when regional stability has been restored. The government has been taking measures to minimize grudges and impacts in restoring regional stability. While education is being encouraged, healthcare services are being provided for the people consistently. Agriculture and livestock breeding tasks are being carried out for career development of rural people. As taking such measures is meant for development of the region and townships, local residents are required to make concerted efforts for regional development and the better future of their children by distinguishing politics and interests of the country.

Regional development can be achieved when intellectuals who are instilled with knowledge and wisdom are nurtured. Lack of wisdom can undermine the regional development and stability. Therefore, the government has been promoting school education, development of libraries and proliferation of knowledge and cooperation of residents is essential. A policy has been adopted to build libraries in all middle schools and village-tracts and those who can afford are urged to offer help.

Stabilities of regions and country

It is necessary to implement the people’s security system properly for regional stability. Mutual monitoring and exercising restraints based on self-conscientiousness will lead to regional stability and development. As every citizen is responsible for national defence, the People’s Military Service Law was enacted for a long time and the law has been activated recently. The aim is to safeguard Our Three Main National Causes and the law is being implemented. Measures will be taken to not to put burden on the people and the country by recruiting a certain number of people within the eligible age to perform duties within the limited period. As there were incitements based on fake news and opinions without studying the provision of the law, relevant departments are required to understand the law themselves and take measures to enable the public to get correct perceptions.

In short, Magway Region is required to exert efforts to successfully implement the project to carry out agriculture and livestock breeding tasks and industries for socioeconomic development of the region. If local departmental staff and esidents make concerted efforts to make the region a reliable one for the country, the regional will be a such one.

Cash, books, journals donated for development of libraries

Then, the Senior General donated Ks-280 million and 5,500 books and journals for the development of libraries in Magway Region to the chief minister of the region.

After the meeting, the Senior General and party cordially greeted the attendees.

Senior General inspects construction of Sasana Beikman Taw in Minbu

Afterward, the Senior General and wife, accompanied by the entourage, inspected the construction of the Sasana Beikman Taw in Minbu, Magway Region. First, the Senior General and wife and party inspected the building and heard reports on construction of the building presented by Director of the Directorate of Military Engineering Maj-General Zaw Naing Oo and the Senior General gave necessary instructions.

Then, the Senior General and wife and party proceeded to the Shinpin Satkeinte Pagoda and paid obeisance by offering flowers and water. Afterward, the Senior General and party made cash donation for allround renovation of the pagoda and paid obeisance by walking round the pagoda clockwise.

Afterward, the Senior and wife and party proceeded to the landmark Myathalon Pagoda in Magway and were welcomed by the pagoda board of trustees and officials. The Senior General and wife and party paid obeisance to the pagoda by offering flowers and water and donated cash for all-round renovation of the pagoda to the board of trustees, who presented Dhamma gifts to the Senior General.

Then, the Senior General and party paid obeisance to the pagoda by walking clockwise and asked about offering the 7th gold robe offering ceremony on the entire pagoda and attended to the needs.

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