Senior General Min Aung Hlaing attends ceremony to convey Buddha Images of Phaungdaw Oo Pagoda in Inlay to Ahtaditha Dhamma Wihaya Monastery in Nyaungshwe and Inlay Traditional Boat Race 

Nay Pyi Taw, October 16 

Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing led conveying the Buddha Images of Phaungdaw Oo Pagoda in Inlay to Ahtaditha Dhamma Wihaya Monastery in Nyaungshwe this morning. 

Present at the ceremony were Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, Union ministers Dr Myint Htwe and wife and U Ohn Maung and wife, Chief Minister of Shan State Dr Lin Htut and wife, Speaker of Shan State Hluttaw U Sai Lon Hsai, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Maung Maung Kyaw and wife, senior military officers of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) and their wives, Commander of Eastern Command Maj-Gen Lin Aung, cabinet members of Shan State, Hluttaw representatives, departmental officials, invited guests, local ethnic races and local and foreign visitors. 

First, the Senior General and Union ministers, the chief minister of the state, the speaker of state Hluttaw, senior military officers, cabinet members of the state and MPs paid obeisance to the Buddha Images of Phaungdaw Oo Pagoda which arrived at the temporary building at the jetty by ceremonial Karaweik Raft. They also conveyed the Buddha Images round Nyaungshwe and placed them on the vehicle which will convey the Images to Ahtaditha Dhamma Wihaya Monastery. 

The Senior General and wife and those present at the ceremony viewed the Inlay traditional boat race. The traditional boat race included men’s 46-oar competition, men’s Yar Kyaw contest, male individual race and women’s 26-oar contest. 

At the prize-presentation ceremony, the Senior General presented prize and cash award to Kaylar team that stood first in the men’s over-100 contest and Shwepyitha team that stood second. The Senior General’s wife presented prize and cash award to Moethauk Inn team and Aingdaunkgyi team that won first and second prices respectively in the women’s 26-oar contest. 

Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Maung Maung Kyaw presented consolation prizes to Yay Tha Inn team and Lel Thit Auk team in men’s Yar Kyaw boat racing. Union Minister Dr Myint Htwe presented consolation prizes to Wun Be Inn Village and Yay Tha Gon Village teams, and Union Minister U Ohn Maung presented first prize to Kay La team and second prize to Ywa Gyi Taung team in men’s 46-paddle event. State Chief Minister Dr Lin Htut, presented prizes to Maung Nay Kya of Mong Thuak Inn Village and Maung Min Zaw Oo of Ein Gyi Daunt Village who won first and second prizes in individual rowing competition. Chairman of Pyithu Hluttaw Resources and Environmental Conservation Committee U Soe Thura Tun presented consolation prizes to Maung Soe Min Htike and Maung Thein Han of Shae Wa Gyi Village in individual rowing competition. 

The wives of the Union ministers, the wife of the State Chief Minister, the wife of the Commander-in-Chief (Air), and the wife of Lt-Gen Than Tun Oo of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) presented prizes and cash awards to three teams of boats used for delivery of meals to monasteries, and winners of the best-looking boat and traditional-style boat. Dr Than Win of Inn Social Organization and U Tin Aung Kyaw of Inn Literature and Culture Organization presented the portrait sculpture of the Senior General to him. The Senior General and party, after the boat racing and prize-presentation, cordially greeted locals present at the ceremony. 

The Senior General and wife, and party visited Ahtaditha Dhamma Wihaya Monastery where Inlay Phaungdaw Oo Buddha Images will be placed for a while for public obeisance. They welcomed and paid homage to Buddha images, and under the aegis of members of Sangha, offered rice, flowers, and water to Buddha images. 

Members of Sangha, the Senior General and party offered gold foils to the Buddha images. The Senior General and party then paid homage to members of Sangha led by Kangyi Pariyatti Sayadaw Agga Maha Gandavasaka Bhaddanta Bhivumsa. Members of Sangha then said prayers and shared merits gained.

The Senior General, Union ministers, the State chief minister, the Commander-in-Chief (Air), and the state Hluttaw speaker presented offertories to members of Sangha and cash contributions to the board of trustees. 

At the meeting hall of Hupin Hotel, the Senior General heard reports by the director of Shan State Forest Department, the director of the Irrigation and Water Utilization Management Department and officials on facts about Inlay Lake, arrangements for prevention of lake depletion and visits of locals and foreigners. 

In response to the report, the Senior General said being the second biggest lake in Myanmar, Inlay Lake needs essential protection against drying up. He then called for public cooperation for lake maintenance, educative measures for local people to prevent environmental degradation caused by chemicals in agriculture, cultivation of crops suitable to local soil for regional development, manufacturing of quality local products, ensuring systematic packages attractive to local and foreign visitors, measures for attracting more visitors, holding of grand-scale leg-rowing boat race as it can be found only in Inlay region in the world, promoting of the number of foreign visitors by safeguarding traditional culture and custom. 

Later, the Senior General presented Ks-36 million donated by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) to build 46-paddle boats to be able to participate in the leg-rowing boat race. 


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