SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivers address at the ceremony to handover the flag for victory to Myanmar sports teams bound for XXXII SEA Games

NAY PYI TAW April 25

    Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivered an address at the ceremony to handover the flag for victory to Myanmar sports teams which will compete in the XXXII SEA Games to be hosted by Cambodia, at Wunna Theikdi Gymnasium-B in Nay Pyi Taw this morning.

Also present at the ceremony were SAC Vice Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, SAC Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, Council members Admiral Tin Aung San, Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun, Lt-Gen Soe Htut, Daw Dwe Bu, Poe Rei Aung Thein, Mahn Nyein Maung, Dr Hmu Htan, U Maung Ko, Dr Aung Kyaw Min, Dr Kyaw Tun, Khun San Lwin, U Shwe Kyein and U Yan Kyaw, Union ministers, the chairman of Nay Pyi Taw Council, Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, deputy ministers, presidents of sports federations, officials, athletes, managers and coaches.

First, Myanmar sports teams bound for the XXXII SEA Games introduced themselves to the Senior General.

In his speech, the Senior General said that the XXXII SEA Games will be held in Cambodia from 5 to 17 May 2023. As now is a few days ahead of the games, all athletes are believed to be physically and mentally ready with sports skills.

All people across the nation are waiting for the athletes who would bag many winning medals on their return to the country as they know the athletes are making preparations to compete in the games with utmost efforts with pledges to sweep the medals in the games with the sporting spirit.

The Senior General expressed his belief that those athletes are hoisting victorious banners in their minds with confidence to secure wins with full training in line with the sayings which go: “training for skill, skill for confidence, confidence for braveness and braveness for victory”.

This games is the great chance for athletes to show off their brilliant skills in the sports for the State. Grasping such a chance, the Senior General said the State and the entire people expect those athletes would uplift the prestige of the State. The Senior General expressed his belief that the athletes would show off their wonderful skills in the competition so as to transform the dreams of the people to the victories.

If the Myanmar sport contingent secure larger number of medals this games than that of previous games, it will change the victorious history of Myanmar sport contingent. The SEA Games is the highest Olympic games in ASEAN, and the athletes need to set their aims to participate in the Asian Olympic Games as well as the World Olympic Games.

Sports show health and fitness, perseverance, industry and unity of a nation and a national, and the sports games are competitions with fair skills. All managers, coaches and athletes are to accept a concept that competitions in an international competition representing the State to uplift the prestige of the State with the sport victories is a significant pride and chance.

Moreover, the Myanmar sport contingent members are to notice that winning in all sport events is a national duty as competition is concerned with prestige of the State and nationality.

The State Administration Council is implementing the social objectives including a point to strengthen basic health care in order to achieve the emergence of a health system that enhances the longevity and health of the entire nation. The sports sector plays a key role in longevity, health and fitness of the entire people. In accord with the motto: Uplifting the sports safeguards the State, the sporting spirit forges the spirit loving the State and then spirit to safeguard the country.

So the government is uplifting the sports sector.

In its efforts for multi sectorial development, the State is also placing emphasis on the sport sector to enable it to meet the international standard. So, the Ministry of Health and Sports was divided into two separate ministries— the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs on 1 August 2021. The aim is to ensure that young people pursue education from childhood while making them interested in sports for their health and fitness so that they can become good citizens. So, outstanding young athletes were sent to international events. Their efforts and achievements have bought honour to the State and contributed towards their own life.

Victorious sports athletes of successive eras who obtained medals and brought honour to the State are being provided with monthly cash assistance from the time they turn 60 until they are alive. Till today, 230 veteran sports athletes are provided with Ks-15.5 million in cash assistance every month.

On the 75th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Independence Day on January 4 this year also, 21 Wunna Kyawhtin titles, 36 social outstanding performance awards (first grade), 39 social outstanding performance awards (second grade) and 69 social outstanding performance awards (third grade) went to the outstanding sports athletes. More awards will be presented to the remaining victorious sports athletes. Those who will bring medals to the State in this event will have similar chances.

Therefore, with the concept that the State Flag of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar presented to you, the Myanmar sports team, who will be participating in the XXXII SEA Games reflects the national dignity as well as a national duty, you are all urged to try your best to achieve victory in every event.

The participating sports athletes already have strong confidence in their health, fitness, techniques, expertise, capability and standard. The State has assigned you a national duty of achieving victory and brining honour to the country. I urge all members of the sports contingent again to try your best with nationalistic and patriotic spirits. You will also be handsomely awarded for your victory and achievements.

On behalf of the State, I am grateful to all including Myanmar Sports Federation for their assistance in the effort for the sports teams to participate in the event. I urge all the sports athletes to try their best with the aim of uplifting the State and national image, cooperate with each other based on a team or family spirit, behave in accord with the fine Myanmar culture and traditions, achieve medals after sticking to the unyielding spirit and perseverance, engage in a fair competition, serve good diplomatic duties with the aim of promoting the existing friendship and amity among the ASEAN countries and bring honour to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. We will be waiting for you to come back with medals.

Next, the Senior General presented the victory flag to Union Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs U Min Thein Zan.

Then, U Min Thein Zan explained preparations being made by the sports team.

Afterwards, the Senior General cordially greeted the sports athletes, managers and coaches and viewed round the display of sport gear to be used in respective sports events.

The XXXII SEA Games will be held in Cambodia from 5 to 17 May this year. Myanmar will field 341 sports athletes to take part in 19 sports categories.

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